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Thursday, September 3, 2020
Movie Review Shawshank Redemption Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Film Review Shawshank Redemption - Essay Example He acknowledges the discipline with respect, not making a big deal about the social shame related, for he realizes he is blameless. The Shawshank Prison mirrors the drudgery and gradualness of jail life, as is noticeable in most jail film. The striking distinction in any case, is the depiction of Andy’s free and cheerful soul, and how one free soul can realize an extreme change in nature. Andy experiences his portions of difficulties in jail. The Shawshank jail mirrors probably the rawest types of human rights’ infringement including â€Å"the Sisters†endeavoring to get Andy to perform oral sex for them. The film is about a decided, cheerful person with an unyielding soul breaking liberated from the shackles of hopelessness. Andy, gradually however consistently, inches his way through the dividers utilizing a stone mallet over a time of decades until he at long last breaks free. In any event, during his stay in jail, Andy improves the personal satisfaction of his detainees by building up a little jail library. His insight into Banking and Taxation help him to at first work with the degenerate superintendent, at last uncover his wrongdoings out in the open and driving him to end it all at long last. The film maybe walks along a fool gradually in the center. That could well be an impression of the heavy section of time, the long periods of reclamation one needs to experience before accomplishing salvation and encountering opportunity. The cinematography is close to amazing. The soggy blue, green, and dim dividers, which now and again appear shades of high contrast, mirror the trademark bluntness of jail life. The Shawshank Redemption is additionally an account of kinship between two spirits †Andy and Red (Morgan Freeman). It is an account of how two people from differentiating foundations †one liable of homicide and the other blameless, meet up to help one another. While Red, â€Å"the man who can make you anything in prison,†causes him get hold of a stone mallet †the instrument that encourages him accomplish his objective of
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Week one CYB 634 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Week one CYB 634 - Assignment Example This makes shamefulness members. This can be, be that as it may, oversaw through legitimate rivalry rules and morals in order to cause it of significant worth to take an interest. Significant rivalry ought to incorporate the accompanying: decency in that everybody is dealt with the equivalent and the individuals who win should win reasonably. Any instructive rivalry should add information to students and furthermore test the correct inquiry of a specific degree of training. Straightforwardness is vital to any opposition where reviewing and technique for stamping are known and utilized in the checking procedure. Straightforwardness calls for check and parity where the outcome ought to be evaluated and free outside inspector to find out their rightness. There ought to likewise be an approach to recognize cheating and a discipline proposed to it. In order to stop the individuals who are planning to undermine the tests. Digital rivalry ought to incorporate the accompanying occasion, post investigation tests this where the individuals who have experienced a specific test can be assessed after some time, for example two years to decide whether their abilities are fully informed regarding current market request in order to give them a possibility of
Friday, August 21, 2020
Racism In Animated Films Essay -- Movies Film Disney
Prejudice in Animated Films While Disney energized films are the perfect family motion pictures, it is undisclosed to numerous that such bigotry is being depicted. Infrequently do we get some information about the birthplaces and aims of the messages we experience through broad communications; some of the time we overlook that [producers] have beginnings or aims by any means (Lipsitz 5). The social disparity found in such mainstream society can be because of a few reasons. As indicated by David Croteau and William Hoynes in Racial Crossroads, media substance can be the impression of makers, crowd inclination, or society all in all (Croteau and Hoynes 352). In their movies or other such media, makers regularly consider individual encounters. At the end of the day, they may draw on their own family lives for story motivation (Croteau and Hoynes 352). With most of makers being White guys, particularly when movies were first being made and even up right up 'til the present time, films reflect how they see life. The makers of well known cultureâ… see themselves simply making signs and images fitting to their crowds and to themselves (Lipsitz 13). Disney makers essentially mirror their own perspectives on life in some way or the perspectives on the lion's share which so happens to be the White race. The racial domination we find in the media isn't reality, nor is the depiction of different races. For the main part of Disney's enlivened movies, if minorities are not the lowlifess or those of lower class and maybe less significance, there are none being spoken to in the film by any means. It is exemplary for the legend to be a white male though different characters, for example, fiendish reprobates are of a minority race. In the upbeat ever after films where the princess in trouble is safeguarded by the attractive solid ruler or male figure... ... In so saying, it is entirely feasible for enlivened movies to add to the prejudice waiting still on the planet today. The isolation of individuals is never going to end totally when film makers think that its important to isolate races as opposed to regarding all as equivalents. At the point when makers delineate reality, White matchless quality and race partition, I accept, will decrease extraordinarily. Works Cited Cox, Starr. Deconstructing the Mouse: Disney and Racism. . 19 November 2005. Croteau, David, and William Hoynes. Social Inequality and Media Representation. Racial Crossroads. Ed. Yolanda Flores Niemann. Dubuque: Prentice Hall, 2005: 349-379. Lipsitz, George. Mainstream society: This Ain't No Sideshow. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press: 3-20. Maio, Kathy. Ladies, Race and Culture in Disney's films. The New Internationalist. . 19 June 1999.
Monday, June 8, 2020
Does a Students High School Impact College Admissions
Does a Students High School Impact College Admissions? â€Å"We never know the love of a parent until we become a parent ourselves.†So goes one of the countless aphorisms describing the transformational experience of meeting your son or daughter for the first time. All the things we professed to do as parents, or perhaps swore not to do, are suddenly banished to irrelevance as the corporeal being before us wipes clean the entire collection of theoretical beliefs we once held about the â€Å"right†way to raise children.From birth through the march to adulthood, we will make any sacrifice necessary to procure the best for them; the â€Å"best†being whatever we conjecture will give them the greatest chance to succeed on this crazy and complex planet of ours. This is how perfectly sane and well-meaning fathers and mothers eventually end up pressuring their teenagers to achieve academic perfection to the point that they herd them right into the crosshairs of extreme stress, burnout, and sometimes even more serious psyc hological struggles. If you are fortunate enough to have a choice in where to send your high-achieving young adult to high school, your reward is a series of anxiety-provoking questionsâ€â€none of which have definitive, one-size-fits-all answers:Should I send my son or daughter to a boarding school?Should I send my teen to an elite private school?Should I try to get my child into a magnet or charter school?Should I move to an area with one of the top public high schools in the nation?Will a regular public school do enough to help my child get into a top college?In this article, we explore the positives and negatives and sending your child to an elite boarding, private, or even public schoolâ€â€with a particular focus on how this affects college admissions. We will also make a case for an underrated option, often dismissed by parents for whom money is no object and expectations for achievement are sky high: attending a solid-but-unspectacular local public high school.Should I send my teen to an elite boarding school?For centuries, boarding schools like Groton (MA), Exeter (NH), Choate (CT), Milton (MA), Deerfield (MA), and the Lawrenceville School (NJ) have been bastions of privilege that serve as direct pipelines into the nation’s most prestigious universities, especially the eight members of the Ivy League. In the last five years, Choate has sent 54 students to Yale, 39 to Columbia, 34 to the University of Chicago, 27 to Harvard, and even 21 to tiny Bates College. You get the ideaâ€â€those who thrive at any of the aforementioned schools have a great chance to get into the prestigious post-secondary institution of their (or their parents’) dreams.Of course, there are some costs, both of the monetary and human variety. An annual check for $55,000 for tuition and board at Phillips Exeter Academy can sting as can the process of having your kid leave the nest at such a young age (a two-way street of emotional pain). You’ll find ple nty of legitimate research extolling the virtues of the boarding schoolâ€â€for example, boarders become more self-sufficient and ready for adult life. And if boarding school is indeed the right choice for your family, then it can work out beautifully. We simply want to communicate that it is by no means a prerequisite for helping to guide your teenager into an ultra-selective college.Should I send my child to an elite private school?Harvard-Westlake in Los Angeles, Sidwell Friends, Georgetown Day, or the National Cathedral School in DC, the Trinity School or the Brearley School, in New York City, and Germantown Friends in Philly are all among the very best private day schools in the country. Harvard-Westlake’s class of 2018 was made-up of only 283 students but the list of college’s where graduates matriculated is every bit as astounding as Groton’s. Ten Harvard-Westlake 2018 graduates headed to the University of Pennsylvania, seven to Columbia, seven to Corn ell and multiple students to every other uber-elite school you can nameâ€â€Stanford, Amherst, Princeton, Northwestern, the Brown, and so on and so on.Clearly attending a school of Harvard-Westlake’s ilk can put you in good standing come admissions time. The counselors at these schools are on a first-name basis with admissions offices at the finest universities in the country and that can undoubtedly work to your advantage. On the other hand, being an â€Å"A†student with high standardized test scores amidst a sea of comparable, or even superior students, can be a harrowing experience. One could argue that there is value in learning to walk with giantsâ€â€after all, law school, med school, or a high-powered job in a Fortune 500 company will involve just that. There may be validity to this line of thinking, but one must also recognize that not every kid is ready to be thrust into cutthroat academic competition at the tender age of 14 or 15. Further, despite the success of the class at large, if your kid was the 11th most talented University of Pennsylvania-hopeful at Harvard-Westlake, they were handed a rejection letter. At a less competitive public or private high school, it’s quite possible their Quaker quest would have ended differently, assuming they possessed the same test scores and placed near the top of their class.Should I try to get my teen into a highly-rated magnet/charter school?Magnet schools like Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Fairfax, Virginia sport average SAT scores of 1510, Stuyvesant in New York City and BASIS Scottsdale in Arizona both boast average SAT scores of 1470. You are essentially getting an elite private school education free of charge (forgetting the taxes you pay for a moment). If your local public school option isn’t strong, and your child is accepted into a magnet school of this quality, then attending is a no-brainer. However, if your public options are good (like they are in upscale Scottsdale, Arizona), the choice becomes murkier. With that, let’s switch gears and look at the benefits of attending a top â€Å"pure†public institution.Should I move into the best public schools district I can afford?True public schools, those without charter or magnet in the name, enroll every teen within their district’s geographic boundaries. Those at the top of state and nation lists of â€Å"best high schools†are generally nestled in high-income areas. We’re talking about public high schools where the average SAT is in the mid-1200s, such as in ritzy Radnor or Lower Merion on Philadelphia’s Main Line, or McLean High School and Langley High School in upscale Northern Virginia, where the average SATs are in the mid-1300s. Attending these type of schools typically means that all of the resources you could hope for will be available to you children. Of course, just as in our previous examples with boarding/private/m agnet schools, the competition is pretty stiff. Your child will certainly face less intimidating competition than they would at Sidwell Friends, but a student with a 1350 SAT that could be in the top 5% of his or her class at an average high school, might be right at the 50th percentile mark at Langley. One kid is â€Å"exceptional†and one is â€Å"mediocre†â€â€and they happen to be the same person.The case for a very good but not world-famous public schoolLet’s start with some assumptions here†¦Your local suburban public high school has a solid reputation. It offers 20-25 Advanced Placement courses including AP Computer Science and a host of science, social studies, and foreign language options. The average SAT score at your local school in somewhere between 1000 and 1100. The top 10% of students in each graduating class head to a mix of state schools, often on heavy merit scholarships, as well as to at least a handful of highly-selective institutions . The valedictorian last year was accepted to Stanford and the salutatorian earned acceptance out-of-state at UVA. If you live a middle/upper-middle class lifestyle in Nice Suburb, USA, then this description is likely somewhere in the ballpark of your local public high school.The truth is being a big fish in a small pond comes with many advantages. Being an â€Å"A†student with high standardized test scores in a public high school can help your child stand apart. In addition to all of the extra attention you’ll get from teachers as one of the building’s superstars, you’ll also be able to bring the tangible credential of class rank to the college admissions table. Many of the most selective colleges in the country draw the bulk of their freshman from the top-10% of high school classes. For example, at Swarthmore 90% of first-year students were top-10 finishers, at MIT this figure is 97%, and at Washington University in St. Louis â€Å"only†87% ear ned this designation. Now, most elite private schools can get around this by not submitting class rank information, but those students do not escape being ranked against their classmates who are applying to the same elite schools. Public school students are unlikely to face much, if any, internal competition at particular colleges during the application process. If Duke is your dream school, and you have the stats that make you a strong applicant, you don’t have the added worry of having to edge out the seven prospective Blue Devils within a row of you in Calculus class.Not being in a pressure-cooker environment means that your child will have more time to explore their passions outside of the classroom, a better work/life balance, and no real drawback when it comes time to click â€Å"send†on the Common App.The bottom lineThe question of whether to send your child to a public or private school is one that only you can answerâ€â€every teen’s strengths and n eeds are unique and different children thrive in different environments.  However, we do strongly believe that more parents of intelligent and talented young people should seriously weigh the public option against these more conventional pathways to highly-selective colleges.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Pros and Cons of Legalizing Cannabis Essay - 673 Words
Pros and Cons of Legalizing Cannabis Task: Cannabis should be legalised clearly discuss the points for (pros) and against (cons). you should also show where your sympathies lie Walking along a packed street in a major city in Britain, almost everyone is smoking; the stench of hash, weed, dope-yes cannabis, is swirling around the street. Would this be the reality if cannabis were to be legalised? We are already used to the smell of tobacco and the everyday reality of it. Would it be any different if cannabis were legalised? The legalisation of cannabis is a subject about which people hold very strongly contrasting views. In my opinion, cannabis should be legalised as a form of†¦show more content†¦Although some scientists have proven that cannabis is less harmful than cigarettes, another study shows that over a prolonged period of time, three to four joints a day can have the same effect as twenty cigarettes. Cannabis if used for a long time can cause wheezing from severe lung damage as it deposits four times more tar in the lungs than an unfiltered cigarette. Cannabis joints have 50% more carcinogens than cigarettes. This means that if they are smoked then they cause the recipient to have an ever higher risk of cancer than if they smoked the same amount of cigarettes over a prolonged period. It has been recently discovered that cannabis can be used to treat potentially fatal brain tumours. Many people are left with no alternative treatment, other than intensive radiotherapy, which has many severe and debilitating side effects. Cannabis, it has been shown can be used in two ways to treat cancer. The first has only been in trial using rats. However, the results showed that, in the rats treated with cannabis, the tumours were destroyed in one third of the rats and the life of another third was prolonged for up to six weeks. The second way in which cannabis can be used in cancer treatment is to ease and reverse the symptoms of chemotherapy. The drug can prevent nauseaShow MoreRelatedShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1463 Words  | 6 PagesLegalizing marijuana is the most argumentative issue in United States. It has been discussed for many years. There are many debatable questions that need the final answers such as: Should Marijuana be legalize and taxed? Should medicinal marijuana in all states? Should the issue be addressed at the national or at the state level? Everything has its own pros and cons, so does legalizing marijuana. It can reduce the pain in medical purposes, prevent consumers from consuming marijuana illegally, andRead MoreMarijuana: For Better or For Worse?1740 Words  | 7 Pagesand should not be legalized. Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug used in the United States. It is a plant that grows from the ground however, it contains many harmful toxins. There are many pros and cons for the legalization of marijuana although there are more cons than there are pros; one being that children are the ones who abuse marijuana the most. Surprisingly, against other beliefs, marijuana smoking actually does impair the user’s ability to drive a lot like the effects of alcoholRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1149 Words  | 5 PagesGabriel Estrada Mrs. Jacomino English 1410 23 March 2015 Legalizing cannabis Marijuana or cannabis is a preparation of the cannabis plant intended for use as a hallucinatory drug and a medicine as well. The principal hallucinatory constituent of marijuana is Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. Twenty three states and the District of Columbia has legalized marijuana for medical or recreational purposes in the United States. Legalizing marijuana has many benefits to it. Not only has marijuana beenRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?870 Words  | 4 Pagessome of the pros. Some of the cons of legalizing marijuana is it has an addictive nature, it can alter a user s perception, is popularly known as a gateway drug, does damage to the brain, and more. People across the country, doctors or not, argue that marijuana is very successful in treating a range of health conditions people commonly have including: Crohn’s disease, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis (M.S.) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). More doctors are on board with legalizing marijuanaRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1224 Words  | 5 PagesLegalizing Marijuana Many different web pages and read over the information that they provided and this is what is found. The debit for this topic is all over the place some say we should some say we should not legalize marijuana. The three main topics that will going to go more into depth with are the medical benefits, monetary benefits and the renewable benefits. But first, let a bit about marijuana, so other names for it is weed, herb, pot, grass, bud, ganja, Mary Jane to name a few. MarijuanaRead MoreCannabis in California In this essay I will explore the positive and negative effects of700 Words  | 3 PagesCannabis in California In this essay I will explore the positive and negative effects of legalizing Cannabis in California. I support the legalization of Cannabis, these are my reasons why; If California does legalize Cannabis then it would decrease the money spent on drug enforcement and criminal persecution. Legalizing Cannabis would also reduce the value of the black market product. It would also generate revenue for the California economy because it would be a taxable item that is in high demandRead MoreDifferent Types Of Communication Essay1396 Words  | 6 Pages PartBtask1: Legalizing cannabis: Q1considering all factors: Government point of view: the government wants to give people who are suffering from debilitating illness access to the most effective medical treatment. They intend to amend the narcotic drugs act to allow cannabis to be grown for medical or scientific uses only. Public point of view: 54% of the people view point on legalising cannabis havent change from last year. 54% of the people still say yes to legalizing cannabis and 44% of theRead MoreProp 19 Pros and Cons Essay594 Words  | 3 PagesTheir are many pros to prop 19 as well as cons. I believe the pros out weight the cons. Some of the pros would be a common sense control of marijuana, it will help stop wasting taxpayer dollars on failed marijuana prohibition. Controls and taxes marijuana like alcohol, and will only be available to adults. Adds criminal penalties for giving i to anyone under 21 years of age. weakens drug cartel and enforces road and workplace safety. It will generate billions in revenue, and save tax payers moneyRead MoreThe Legalization of Marijuana Essay966 Words  | 4 PagesIm for legalizing marijuana. Why pick on those drugs? Valium is legal. You just go to a doctor and get it and overdose on it - whats the difference? Prozac, all that stuff, so why not marijuan a? Who cares? Its something that grows out of the ground - why not? Go smoke a head of cabbage. I dont care what you smoke (Stern). This particular quote is the reality of how many Americans actually feel about the supposed war on drugs. Mary jane, airplane, weed, reefer and dank are all commonly usedRead MoreWhy Marijuana Should be Legalized1510 Words  | 7 PagesMultiple studies have found that marijuana is less harmful than alcohol and tobacco yet somehow is still considered a schedule 1 drug along with other more extreme drugs such as heroin. Marijuana is the leaves and shredded flowers of hemp plant called Cannabis sativa which is usually a green or gray mixture. Marijuana can be not only smoked in the form a joint, blunt, bowl, bong, etc but can also be eaten. Uses of marijuana can be medically or recreationally and the use of it can be dated back to thousands
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Last Supper Elements and Principles of Design
Leonardo da Vinci was a talented artist of his time. He was publicly known for incorporating the skills of art and science. He had many important works of art such as the Mona Lisa, the study of human proportions according to Vitruvius, The Last Supper and many more. The Last Supper was one of his famous pieces, which to this day is still trying to be restored through millions of dollars and hours of hard work. Leonardo da Vinci was raised in the small town of Vinci. His mother was a peasant woman named Piero da Vinci. His father who was a lawyer raised him. At the young age of 15 he began to apprentice under Andrea del Verocchio. In 1482 Leonardo left for Milan and became an official artist for the Duke. He had several sketches†¦show more content†¦Within the work, each disciple reacts to Christs comment the same, puzzled, confused and shocked. One is drinking and has his head turned to the speaker. Another twists his finger while others make a mouth of astonishment. St. Andrew has his shoulders shrugged in dismay while St. Philip rises from his seat and catches the eye because his head is a little higher than the rest. St. James is staring down in absolute shock to the news that he just heard. However, Judas knows that he is the one and is seen with his bag of silver, his payment for being a traitor. His body is arched away from Christ. He reaction is different from t he other apostles; he has a distant expression on his face. Judas has a darker value than the others. The objects that Judas holds in his hand, a knife and his moneybag, symbolize pure evil. Leonardo places them in a large banquet hall. All of the disciples are leaning towards and facing Christ, except Judas who is shamefully leaning away. In many other works on the Last Supper, Judas is seen on the other side of the table because he is not worthy of sitting on the same side as Christ. Leonardo did this different by putting him on the side with Christ. The effect from this is strong, and shows how much more of a traitor Judas is towards Christ. The Last Supper is a Fresco, which is when colors are applied to a wet plaster, which bonds the image with the painting surface. However, Leonardo wanted to tryShow MoreRelatedLeonardo Da Vinci s The Last Supper And Mona Lisa1030 Words  | 5 PagesAccording to, the article about the writer, mathematician, inventor, and artist Leonardo da Vinci states that, â€Å"Leonardo da Vinci was a leading artist ad intellectual of the Italian Renaissance who’s known for his enduring works â€Å"The Last Supper†and â€Å"Mona Lisa††. Leonardo da Vinci was born in Vinci, Italy on April 15, 1452. He was born out of wedlock being raised by his father Ser Piero along with his stepmothers. Leonardo da Vinci was into the laws of science and nature, which playedRead MoreLeonardo Da Vinci: A Man Ahead of His Time1151 Words  | 5 Pagesquestions (Leonardo Da Vinci: Mona Lisa (La Gioconda)†). These elements combined attribute to a mood of harmony and uncertainty. The Mona Lisa would soon become the paradigm for all future paintings. Another one of Leonardo’s renowned masterpieces can be seen in The Last Supper, which was painted with oil on a plaster wall in Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan, Italy (Last Supper - History). According to an online website, â€Å"The Last Supper is Christ’s final meal with his apostles before Judas identifiesRead MoreThe Life and Accomplishments of Leonardo da Vinci Essay775 Words  | 4 Pages 1452, near the town of Vinci in Italy, which resides next to Florence. He was the son of a Florentine notary, Piero da Vinci, and a young mistress named Caterina. He is famously recognised for his magnificient paintings, the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. Leonardo da vinci was not only a famous painter, he was also an architect, musician, inventor, sculptor, scientist, engineer, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist as well as a writer. 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Donatello’s Feast of Herod (FIG. 21-3), done in 1425, marked the advent of 4. The invention of linear prerspective is generally attributed to: 5. Define theRead MoreCorrect Answer3886 Words  | 16 PagesMichelangelo makes the identity of the figure the most obvious. Answer Selected Answer: False Correct Answer: False . Question 11 .1 out of 1 points Only one artist in the Renaissance and Baroque periods ever painted the subject of The Last Supper. Answer Selected Answer: False Correct Answer: False . Question 12 .1 out of 1 points Paul Gauguin’s Vision After the Sermon is a realist artwork. Answer Selected Answer: False Correct Answer: False . Question 13 .0 out ofRead MoreSalvador Dali Research Paper2486 Words  | 10 Pagesfame when three of his paintings were displayed in the third annual Carnegie International Exhibition in Pittsburgh in 1928. Following this, Dali moved to Paris and met famous painters Pablo Picasso and Joan Miro. In Paris, he became one of the principle figures of surreal artists and in 1929; he found his own personal style of painting, which made him famous. It was the ‘world of the unconscious which is recalled during our dreams’. This theory was from the psychologist Sigmund Freud. Images ofRead MoreJudy Chicago Dinner Party Essay6539 Words  | 27 Pagessettings honors an individual woman, historical or mythical, whose name is embroidered on the front face of her table runner [2]. 2 For each of the table settings there is a fourteen-inch painted porcelain plate, its design specific to that woman, and an embroidered runner whose design is specific both to the woman and to the h istorical period in which she flourished. Linen napkins, porcelain flatware, and gold lustered goblets complete the settings. As one circulates around this richly invested feastRead MoreEssay about Mannerism in Florence and Rome2819 Words  | 12 Pagesburial, and the actualsarcophagus Veronese - (1528-1588), Italian Renaissance painter, one of the great masters of the Venetian School - Born Paolo Caliari in Verona, he was called Veronese for his native city - combined elements of the local High Renaissance style with elements of mannerism, including complex compositional schemes that often employ a so-called worms-eye view perspective - used figures reminiscent of those of Italian artist Michelangelo, rendered in powerful foreshortened or contortedRead MoreOrganizational Structure Of Boston Pizza International Inc6328 Words  | 26 Pagesï » ¿ Research Project on Organizational Structure and Design of Boston Pizza International Inc. Submitted To Dr. Ghassem Zarbi Master of Administrative Science (MAS) Theory and practice of administration (MADS 6600_V2) Fairleigh Dickinson University- Vancouver Campus Spring Semester, 2015. Prepared by: Chenqu Zhang Eman Ahmed Latha Dabir Naresh Shivakumar
Exploitation of Women in Music Essay Example For Students
Exploitation of Women in Music Essay In popular music today, there is a significant increase in sexualized representation of women. There are many social and political implications when listening to songs on the radio, online, on TV, etc. There is a lot of talk about whether this hyper-sexualization is empowering or exploitive. There is also conversation to be had about masculinity and how men in music have power and control over female bodies. The female body is somewhat of a performance site through which male dominance is subverted. It is a tough conversation surrounding which examples of popular culture are empowering to women in the sense that they are claiming their bodies to reconstruct gender identity and sexualization or if dominant male forces and cultural ideologies always counter this. By using textual analysis and ideology, I looked at examples of popular culture such as music videos and song lyrics. There are examples of empowering sexualization in this new feminist era such as Beyonce and Nicki Minaj, but I will focus on exploitation of women bodies by male artists. Most representations and portrayals of women in music are sexualized and exploitive. Some music videos in popular culture featuring a male artist take advantage of women and assert power and control of their bodies. Music videos are now central to popular culture and media industries. Instead of just playing on MTV, music videos have spread to airing on multiple channels as well as across musical genres. â€Å"They have moved from the margins of the culture and relative innocence to its very center and it’s caldron of controversy around the nature of the sexual imagery that came to define it as a genre†(Sut Jhally, Dreamworlds 3). When looking at music videos, I took a textual analysis approach. I looked at how certain music videos conveyed specific ideologies of gender and sexuality. Douglas Kellner, author of â€Å"Cultural Studies, Multiculturalism and Media Culture†defines ideologies as â€Å"ideas or images that construct the superiority of one class or group over others and this reproduce and legitimate different forms of social domination†(Kellner 13). While keeping this in mind, I looked at two recent music videos. Maroon 5 released a music video to their new song â€Å"Animals†in September. The lyrics are extremely interesting and problematic in the sense that they describe a stalking situation in which Levine sings, â€Å"Baby I’m preying on you tonight / Hunt you down, eat you alive / Just like animals, animals, like animals-mals†(Maroon 5, Animals). Also in the song, Levine sings about a woman who wants to stay away from him, but can’t because her attraction is too strong for him to handle. The music video portrays Levine as a meat butcher where a customer (that he stalks in the video) comes and orders meat. Levine is seen outside the customers’ apartment taking pictures and he has a whole room set up with pictures of her he has taken. Levine is also covered in blood and hanging out in a dark, gritty room with slabs of meat hanging from the ceiling. Later in the video, Levine approaches the customer at a bar and she rejects him, leading to a fantasy montage of them in bed together, naked and kissing. This music video is a negative portrayal of women as it sexualizes stalking and exploits a woman’s body. The group is using the idea of animals as a metaphor for hetero-normative desire. However, this ideal paired with the video’s stalker fantasy, the audience can determine the message as violent where the female object of Levine’s desire is threatened, endangered, and powerless. This is just another man in popular music assuming he already knows what a woman wants and that she needs him. With the stalking complex on screen, this reinforces male dominance. Levine is portraying a man who thinks he owns this woman, or that just because he likes her, he deserves to have her. .u2d0ec8b738a7bee22acda45a085ec713 , .u2d0ec8b738a7bee22acda45a085ec713 .postImageUrl , .u2d0ec8b738a7bee22acda45a085ec713 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2d0ec8b738a7bee22acda45a085ec713 , .u2d0ec8b738a7bee22acda45a085ec713:hover , .u2d0ec8b738a7bee22acda45a085ec713:visited , .u2d0ec8b738a7bee22acda45a085ec713:active { border:0!important; } .u2d0ec8b738a7bee22acda45a085ec713 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2d0ec8b738a7bee22acda45a085ec713 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2d0ec8b738a7bee22acda45a085ec713:active , .u2d0ec8b738a7bee22acda45a085ec713:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2d0ec8b738a7bee22acda45a085ec713 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2d0ec8b738a7bee22acda45a085ec713 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2d0ec8b738a7bee22acda45a085ec713 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2d0ec8b738a7bee22acda45a085ec713 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2d0ec8b738a7bee22acda45a085ec713:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2d0ec8b738a7bee22acda45a085ec713 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2d0ec8b738a7bee22acda45a085ec713 .u2d0ec8b738a7bee22acda45a085ec713-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2d0ec8b738a7bee22acda45a085ec713:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Look at the sources - Were the Beatles were the most popular group in Britain? EssayMen’s thinking they have control over women has been an on-going problem in this society and Maroon 5’s music video strengthens this social dominance and construct the superiority of men over women. No one should ever confuse stalking, a criminal act, with romance and love. Plenty of music video in popular culture perpetuate male dominate and hyper-sexualize women and the lyrics that go along with them are as, if not more, disturbing. Music created by male artists exploit and sexualizes women’s bodies when the lyrical content includes sexual assault. When looking at lyr ics, I looked at Croteau and Hoynes’s ideas surrounding ideology. They define ideology as â€Å"a system of meaning that helps define and explain the world and that makes value judgments about that world†(152). They go on and say how ideologies don’t have to reflect reality accurately and can often present a distorted version of the world. â€Å"When Marxists speak of ideology, they often mean belief systems that help justify the actions of those in power by distorting and misrepresenting reality†(153). Basically talking about what these messages tell us about our society. Eminem recently released a new track titled â€Å"Vegas†. The verse mentioned Nicki Minaj and Iggy Azalea, and alluded to rape. You’re lucky just to follow my ride/ If I let you run alongside the Humvee, unless you’re Nicki/ Grab you by the waist, let’s ski/ So what’s it gon’ be? / Put that shit away, Iggy/ You gon’ blow that rape whistle on me,†(Eminem, Vegas). Also Eminem has rapped that he would like to â€Å"punch Lana Del Ray right in the face twice like Ray Rice,†(Eminem, Freestyle Rap). These lyrics make it seem like rape and sexual assault is acceptable in this society. This belief system that rape is acceptable justifies the actions of Eminem because he is in power, distorting and misrepresenting reality. Eminem is reinforcing the belief that rape is acceptable by using his power in the entertainment industry and popular culture. The lyrics are exploitive to women because they objectify and degrade the woman body. Rape is also about control and controlling women in music is also exploitive of women. Another example of rape in musical lyrics is Robin Thicke’s â€Å"Blurred lines†. The lyrics glamourize violence against women and reinforce rape myths with examples such as â€Å"Nothing like your last guy / He don’t smack that ass and pull your hair like that†(Robin Thicke, Blurred Lines). These lyrics objectify and degrade a woman’s body by using misogynistic language and imagery. If the lyrics are more closely looked at, there are certain lines that are explicit examples of sexually violent activity that reinforce victim blaming, such as a woman giving â€Å"mixed signals†through clothing and behavior. These lyrics also make it seem like rape and sexual assault are acceptable in this society, so artists keep singing about it and people in are society keep committing acts of sexual assault. This belief system that rape is acceptable justifies Robin Thicke’s song because, like Eminem, he is in a powerful position in the entertainment industry and popular culture. There are masses of people that listen to his music for the sake that it is a catchy song and do not realize the harmful lyrics that accompany it. Without critical analysis of his lyrics, people of this society will continue to see rape and sexual assault as acceptable. â€Å"Blurred Lines†is also exploitive to women bodies in the sense that he is using them as objects. Thicke doesn’t think what he is singing about is wrong and he doesn’t consider how the woman feels in this situation at all. This is a highly sexualized song, but not in an empowering way. Thicke probably thinks the song is empowering for women because there are definitely good examples of taking back sexualization such as Beyonce and Nicki Minaj. Thicke songs â€Å"tried to domesticate you/ But you’re an animal, baby it’s in your nature†(Robin Thicke, Blurred Lines). The whole song is about domestication and it is not about women exposing their bodies for their own amusement and empowerment, but for Thicke’s. .u2adc50203940f82be9bdcec3929a3718 , .u2adc50203940f82be9bdcec3929a3718 .postImageUrl , .u2adc50203940f82be9bdcec3929a3718 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2adc50203940f82be9bdcec3929a3718 , .u2adc50203940f82be9bdcec3929a3718:hover , .u2adc50203940f82be9bdcec3929a3718:visited , .u2adc50203940f82be9bdcec3929a3718:active { border:0!important; } .u2adc50203940f82be9bdcec3929a3718 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2adc50203940f82be9bdcec3929a3718 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2adc50203940f82be9bdcec3929a3718:active , .u2adc50203940f82be9bdcec3929a3718:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2adc50203940f82be9bdcec3929a3718 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2adc50203940f82be9bdcec3929a3718 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2adc50203940f82be9bdcec3929a3718 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2adc50203940f82be9bdcec3929a3718 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2adc50203940f82be9bdcec3929a3718:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2adc50203940f82be9bdcec3929a3718 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2adc50203940f82be9bdcec3929a3718 .u2adc50203940f82be9bdcec3929a3718-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2adc50203940f82be9bdcec3929a3718:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Music of the Baroque Period Essay SummaryMost representations and portrayals of women in music are sexualized and exploitive. Especially today there is a spike in sexualized representation of women. Whether this sexualization is empowering or exploitive is debatable. Male dominance is subverted through the female body to maintain control and this is an ideology that society holds. By looking at music videos and lyrics by Maroon 5, Eminem, and Robin Thicke, I was able to conclude that most music created by white cis-male men is exploitative to the woman body. I did not look at gender non-conforming men or male artists of color, so I cannot say whether their music is exploitative to the female body. While not all music is exploitative to women, I think sexualization coming from female artists can be deemed empowering. Artists such as Beyonce and Nicki Minaj are claiming their bodies to reconstruct gender identity and sexualization. I think dominant male forces and cultural ideologies don’t have to counter this always if women come together and reclaim our sexual identities. Bibliography: Croteau and Hoynes. â€Å"Media and Ideology.†2014. Goodman, Jessica. Iggy Azalea Slams Eminem And His Offensive Lyrics. The Huffington Post., 21 Nov. 2014. Web. 23 Nov. 2014. Jhally, Sut. Dreamworlds 3 (Abridged) Desire, Sex Power in Music Video. (n.d.): n. pag. Media Education Foundation. Media Education Foundation, 2007. Web. 23 Nov. 2014. Kellner, Douglas. â€Å"Cultural Studies, Multiculturalism, and Media Culture. Gender, Race and Class in Media. 2015. Maroon 5 Animals. YouTube. YouTube, 29 Sept. 2014. Web. 23 Nov. 2014. Robin Thicke Blurred Lines Ft. T.I., Pharrell. YouTube. YouTube, 20 Mar. 2013. Web. 23 Nov. 2014.
Monday, April 20, 2020
Reflective Study free essay sample
Reflective writing provides an opportunity to gain further insights from the work through deeper reflection on our own experiences, and through further consideration of other perspectives from people and theory. Through reflection we can deepen the learning from work. ’(Watton P, Collings J) (Branch Paranjape, 2002, p. 1185) states reflective writing is writing which involves Consideration of the larger context, the meaning, and the implications of an experience or action. ‘It is not sufficient simply to have an experience in order to learn. Without reflecting upon this experience it may quickly be forgotten, or its learning potential lost. It is from the feelings and thoughts emerging from this reflection that generalisations or concepts can be generated. And it is generalisations that allow new situations to be tackled effectively. ’ (Gibbs 1988) As a part of my overseas nursing programme, I was given the opportunity to present any topic of my choice on the 19th of July 2012. We will write a custom essay sample on Reflective Study or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I was asked to do a reflective study on my experience doing the presentation. The most commonly used model by health professionals for reflective writing is the Gibbs model. I chose this model to reflect on my presentation. My presentation was on a special program run by my Nursing home for residents with advanced dementia, called ‘Namaste Care’. Gibbs reflective cycle consists of 6steps namely , Description, feeling , evaluation, analysis, conclusion and action plan. It encourages a clear description of the situation, analysis of feelings, evaluation of the experience, analysis to make sense of the experience, conclusion where other options are considered and reflection upon experience to examine what you would do if the situation arose again Gibbs (1988). I chose Gibbs model as this makes us to think through all the phases of an experience or activity. DESCRIPTION The topic I chose ‘Namaste care’ is a programme designed to improve the quality life of residents with advanced dementia. Namaste care programme which is practised at my placement area is being delivered to the residents with advanced dementia for the last one year. It has been found very effective and useful for the residents with dementia. The concept was very interesting and caught my attention on my very first day of placement. As a part of my learning experience I got the opportunity to participate in Namaste care. It gave me an understanding know that there is a spirit that lives in each person irrespective of their physical and mental condition and it is this spirit that we are nurturing through loving touch, meaningful activities and presence of others (Joyce Simmard 2007). As a part of my Overseas Nursing Programme I was asked to present on a topic of my choice. The moment i was told, I exactly knew what i was going to present on. The nursing home i am doing my placement is doing a programme called Namaste Care. It is very fresh topic and undergoing a lot of discussions among health professionals working with dementia patients. And there was a documentary aired on BBC two weeks before I started my placement. It’s such a beautiful and enriching experience, that I was eager to share what I saw and learned at the nursing home. . The most important factor of a successful presentation is selecting a topic that would educate, entertain and motivate the audience (Dlugan 2008). My gut feeling told me that this will be a very interesting topic, as most of my classmates were doing their placements in a nursing home, servicing to dementic residents. I discussed it with my mentor and she was happy that i selected a topic which is new and beneficial to UK health practice. I started gathering all the information required for my presentation through journals, websites, books, and the guidelines given to the nursing home regarding Namaste care. Most of my research came from the book ‘Namaste care’ written by Joyce Simmard. It was very helpful as it directly was written by the founder of Namaste care. I prepared a rough draft of all the information i wanted to talk during my presentation. Now i had to make the presentation intrusting, and the thought of a power point presentation came across. Studies have shown that Power Point presentation may improve student attitudes toward the instructor and class presentation (Nouri H et al 2005). Having done presentation during my Masters made it easy to use the tool. I downloaded appropriate pictures and added them to the slides. ‘Clear pictures multiply the audiences level of understanding of the material presented, and they should be used to reinforce your message, clarify points, and create excitement’ (OSHA 1996). I gathered more information about how to make interesting slides, a slide show by Satyajeet Singh helped me to prepare effective and eye capturing slides. I chose appropriate pictures and applied them in the background. I made sure the fonts were of the appropriate size. Sentences were written clearly and made in bullets, which was short and simple (Singh S). My Next task was to adhere to the time limit given to us, which was 15 minutes per person. I divided the time between introduction, explanation, showing a short video, conclusion and questions. The professional speaker George Torok says rehearsing speech standing on your feet will give confidence (George Torok 2004). George also says that rather than memorising the whole topic, know the topic and make your own points (George Torok 2004). I rehearsed the prepared slides and practiced finishing my presentation within 13 min, leaving 2 minutes for unseen mishaps. On the day of my presentation I reached the college 15 minutes early, giving me time to check if the projector was working fine and to see my presentation on projection. I was a bit nervous, but as I had practiced well it calmed me down to a certain extent. I was able to deliver as i had planned and practiced. My classmates were helpful and did not interrupt unnecessarily, which helped me to finish my presentation within the time limit given to me. My assessor was happy with my presentation and gave me feedback on areas to improve. FEELING My initial fear was presenting within the time frame given to me, as there was so much to talk about and less time. But as i started preparing my rough draft I was able to pick essential points and areas to speak on. My mentor guided me in consising my presentation. Repeated practice helped me to deliver my presentation within the time limit. I was still anxious on the day of my presentation. I came 15minutes before to check the projector and the internet as I had to play a video from the website. Once I had everything checked and i was prepared, my anxious reduced by half. I normally do not have stage fear, by on that day i was a bit nervous as i was going to present on a topic that was new and unknown to everyone. I wanted to deliver the topic to the best of my knowledge. It was a new care approach to me as well, which made me fear the questioning part. But at the end of my presentation i was able to answer all the questions put across. I had an eager and helpful audience which gave me confidence and excitement to carry on . It helped me present and answer to their questions. At the end of presentation I felt relaxed and happy as i was able to deliver as i had planned. EVALUATION This experience gave me confidence to face a group and talk. It taught me time management. My teaching skills were improved giving me a wonderful learning experience. My Knowledge and skills on Namaste care improved and I was able to relate and apply it in my care for dementia patients. Namaste care has different programs for different patient needs, I was able to explain only a part of it as the topic is to vast. This disappointed me; as I wanted make people aware of all the aspects of Namaste Care. ANALYSIS Once I finished my presentation my assessor gave me feedback on the areas that need to be improved. I realised that though I referred many research studies, I failed to include them in slides which was mentioned by assessor as one point to improve. He commented that the introduction was good and the slides were clear and interesting. He also suggested improving the interaction with group. CONCLUSION The presentation was a good experience for me, it improved my teaching skills in a professional manner. My confidence in talking about medical conditions increased; bring out the mentorship and leadership qualities in me. Feedback from my assessor and group was a reward for my hard work and I was extremely delighted to hear positive response from them. ACTION PLAN In future I would like to improve more on my presentation skills. I am confident do any teachings that I need to do as a part of my job role once registered. I will research more on teaching and presentation skills and I will try to make use of every chance that get. I will work on my drawbacks and bring more group interaction next time. REFERENCE 1. Dlugan, A (2008) ‘Speech preparation; selecting a speech topic’, Six minutes Speaking and presentation skills(online) available at http://sixminutes. dlugan. com/speech-preparation-2-select-topic-idea/ [accessed on 05-02-2012] 2. Nouri, H and Shahid, A (2005) ‘The effect of power point presentations on student learning and attitudes’ Global perspective on accounting education’ (online) available at ttp://gpae. bryant. edu/~gpae/vol2 [accessed on 07-02-2012] 3. Oxford brooks university, ‘Using Gibbs: Example of feflective writing in healthcare assignment’ (online) available at http://www. brookes. ac. uk/services/upgrade/a-z/reflective_using_gibbs. html [accessed on 02-02-2012] 4. Simard, J (2007) The End of Life Namaste Care Programme for People w ith Dementia, Health professions press, New York. 5. Singh, S ‘Designing effective powerpoint presentations’ (onlie) available at http://www. slideshare. net/satyajeet_02/how-to-make-effective-presentation [accessed on 07-02-2012] 6. Torok G (2004) Presentation Skills (online) available at http://www. presentation-skills-success. com/ [accessed on 06-02-2012]. 7. Watton, P. ,Collings, J and Moon, J(2001) Reflective writing: Guidence notes for students (online) available at www. learnhighercetl. plymouth. ac. uk [accessed on 05-02-2012] 8. Woods DL, Craven RF and Whitney J, (2005) The effect of therapeutic touch on behavioral symptoms of persons with dementia. (online) available at http://www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pubmed/15712768 [accessed on 05-02-2012] ?
Sunday, March 15, 2020
How To Use Angular Quotation Marks in Spanish
How To Use Angular Quotation Marks in Spanish Spanish sometimes uses angular quotation marks ( « and  ») - often known as chevrons or guillemets or comillas franceses and comillas angulares in Spanish - interchangeably with and in the same way as regular double quotation marks. In general, they are used much more in Spain than in Latin America, possibly because guillemets are commonly used in various non-English European languages such as ​​French. In all Spanish, however, quote marks of either the angular or regular variety are used much as they are in English, most often to quote from someones speech or writing or to call attention to words that are given a special or ironic use. The Difference in Punctuation The main difference between Spanish usage and that of American English is that added commas and periods in Spanish go outside the quotation marks, while in American English they go inside the quotation marks. A pair of examples shows how these marks are used: Ninguna mente extraordinaria est exenta de un toque de demencia, dijo Aristà ³teles. /  «Ninguna mente extraordinaria est exenta de un toque de demencia », dijo Aristà ³teles.No extraordinary mind is free of a touch of insanity, Aristotle said.Tengo una hija. Tiene cuatro patas y maulla. / Tengo una  «hija ». Tiene cuatro patas y maulla.I have one daughter. She has four legs and meows. If you have a quotation within the words that are enclosed by angular quote marks, use the standard double quotation marks:  «Ãƒâ€°l me dijo, Estoy muy feliz ». He told me, I am very happy. Long (Em) Dashes and Paragraph Spacing Keep in mind that it is common when printing dialogue in Spanish to dispense with quote marks entirely and use a long dash (- ), sometimes known as an em dash or raya in Spanish, to indicate the beginning and end of the quotation or a change in speaker. It isnt necessary - although its often done - to start a new paragraph for a change of speaker, as is usually done in English. No dash is needed at the end of a quotation if it is at the end of a paragraph. Different usages are illustrated in the following three example pairs: -  ¡Cuidado!- grità ³.Careful! he shouted.-  ¿Cà ³mo ests? - Muy bien, gracias.How are you?Excellent, thank you.- Si quieres tener amigos- me decà a mi madre- , sà © un amigo.If you want to have friends, my mother told me, be a friend. In each of these cases, Spanish grammar dictates that the punctuation still belongs outside of the quotation signifier, except in the case that the sentence begins with a punctuation mark such as  ¡Cuidado! or  ¿Cà ³mo ests?.
Friday, February 28, 2020
Econ Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Econ - Essay Example ics.This approach assumes that when businesses fluctuate, then this is a clear interpretation of the fluctuation in the output’s growth rate instead of a change in the level of output. This statement implies that economics is a misery in that there is a very peculiar of interconnection of markets and they respond in a very surprising manner to the changes in preferences and resources. For example, if a reduction of a product occurs, the price of the commodity goes up and the consumers get an incentive to consume less of the commodity while the suppliers get an incentive to discover more. It is very surprising that increase in the price of one commodity can be the reason of another commodity’s price going up. Therefore, this approach in economics tends to let people understand the invisible side in economics in order to understand the economics world. Keynes a very popular economist stated that he would like to steer the economy while Hayek articulates that he would like to set the economy free. Keynes, had a very strong believe and supported that during the periods of depression or during recession in an economy, the government should spend during the depression period as a way to increase the aggregate demand and to lower the levels of unemployment. He believed that during the period of recession, the government should buy security bonds in order to reduce aggregate demand since this reduces the flow of money amongst the citizens. By doing this, Keynes felt that government spending is a good way of controlling the markets. Hayek, a fellow economist, criticized what Keynes argued that government spending should regulate the demand in the market by arguing that he preferred to set the market in the economy to operate freely. Hayek argued that the market should operate freely without any intervention and correct itself without intervention too. His argument was that intervention by either the government spending or the policies of the central bank in effort to
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Modern China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Modern China - Essay Example People attribute the rampant corruption in present day china to the mismanagement & red-tapism under corrupt & greedy leaders. There is also a general opinion among many Chinese that though there was more fairness & justice, openness & freedom of expression were entirely subdued. Experts such as Zhou Ongling of the citizen education Centre in Beijing is of the opinion that corruption was minimal during Mao's regime solely due to the fact that the administration during those times was totally centralized, which ensured a gradual flow of power along the ranks. This setup disintegrated in the years following Mao's death, which lead to a decline in proper administration. A pro-democratic activist San Feng has written that Mao has committed Crimes against the Chinese Nation. He has maintained that the Mao had destroyed the true spirit of humanity by putting curbs on literary expression. In fact, San holds him responsible for the widespread famine & destruction of cultural legacy. The effect of all this has been that people living in the rural areas have been neglected in all respects including standard of living, education, healthcare etc., while those living in the urban areas have flourished in the recent past.
Friday, January 31, 2020
Judas Priest and Money Essay Example for Free
Judas Priest and Money Essay Money, money, and money; all people talk about this crucial thing as if money is the goal of their life. Many people say that we cannot live without money. They say so because almost all the things they need and they want can be gained if only they have money, even for an occupation. Since this reason, people’s thought seems to be changed; money is regarded as the determiner of their life and the worst, as the God. But for me, money is not everything although money can buy many things that I want. Money, in my opinion, is only a little piece of our life. We are born not only for getting money. There are the other things that much more important than it. It is badly affect your life when you think that money is everything. Money becomes a reason of the crime happen today. Deception, murder, robbery are all because of it. You will think about yourself, without caring about another people’s life. Your eyes will be blinded; you will not recognize which one is enemy, friend or family. As the servant adores his Lord, people will do anything for money. They work all the day for the sake of getting money. If they failed to get much money by doing low salary-fine job, they will run to the worse-dirty job in which they can get much money. For many people who live in poverty, financial must be the prominent problem they have to face. And when they are being asked â€Å"do you want much money?†Their answer must be completely â€Å"yes†. Then they will do anything-whether it is good or bad- to get it. Next, I tell you another thing why I can say that money is not the most important thing in our life. That is you will be nothing with all of your money if you live alone-without your family, your friend or the other people- in this world. Whom will you tell that you have a lot of money? Who will feel envy to you when you have a lot of money? Can you talk with your money when everyone leaves you alone? Can you make a love with your money? All of those questions strengthen my opinion that money is not everything. Money cannot help you to do anything without people around you. The last but not the least, money is not a guarantee to get happiness. The first, money cannot buy health. You will not be happy having a lot of money but you always suffer from some diseases. In the other word, you cannot enjoy it when you are sick. Second, having a lot of money, sometimes make us feel restless; we afraid of losing our wealth. Afraid it will be stolen by the other people. Worrying about it makes us live in fear; we do not live in happiness. Next, when you feel that you are the winner because you have got much money and so proud of it, then you turn to be very arrogant. Sooner or later, people around you will leave you one by one; they are sick of you who turn to be very arrogant. At the first time you may do not care about them, but after all, you will be lonely. Are you happy having much money without anyone lives with you? Of course the answer is NO!! In short, money is not the most important thing in our life. There are many other things that much more important than it. It cannot give a guarantee for happiness. Without being healthy, money is just a paper with its number. Without people who give you affection, money is just a thin rectangle thing to fill our wallet up. Money may help you to get what you need and you want, but it is not the determiner of your life, it is not your God. You can work as hard as you can, but keep your body healthy, and do not forget your family, your friend and others who care of you. Those are much more important than money itself.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Delegation Essay -- essays research papers
Delegation Paper      According to Batman and Snell (2004), delegation is the assignment of authority and responsibility to a subordinate at a lower level requiring that the subordinate reports back to their manager the results, positive or negative. Within my professional career I have experienced several management styles. With regard to the subject matter of delegation, I have been lead by an experienced, effective, and efficient manager that utilized delegation and the functions of management while employed with Pitney Bowes Management Services (PBMS). The Customer Service Manager (CSM), Ebonie Kelley, Site Manager at McDermott, Will and Emory, was accountable for a team of 32. Of the 32 team members, six were apart of the management team. Her management team was a diverse mix of age, race, gender, and ethics. As the site manager, she is accountable for an enormous amount of responsibilities, but budget, site policies, and staff procedures were the bulk of these responsibilities. Organizing a management team was an ideal choice for operating a customer service based operation. She understood that maintaining the same level of efficiency without actually doing the bulk of the work was the goal she wanted to achieve. Her team consisted of two team leads (TL), one for the mail department and one for reprographics, and four lead site representatives (LSR), three for mail and one for reprographics. As the CSM, she delegated responsibilities, author...
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